Photograph by Tobias Hutzler
Photograph by Tobias Hutzler

Forget what you’ve heard about melancholy Danes. This summer, the Copenhagen-born artist Jeppe Hein has turned Brooklyn Bridge Park into a fun fair, at the invitation of the Public Art Fund. Walls of water rise and vanish at random intervals in the bathing-suit-friendly “Appearing Rooms.” A spiral of mirrored stainless-steel planks (pictured)—a space-age Stonehenge—ups the ante in games of hide-and-seek. Spread throughout the park are sixteen bright-orange “modified social benches,” which double as play zones for the jungle-gym set (the title of Hein’s project is “Please Touch the Art”) and seating for tuckered-out parents. “Appearing Rooms” closes in late September; the rest is up through next April.